Facebook just rolled out a new feature that gives people the ability to embed posts, which is essentially Facebook’s progression of exporting more user-created web content as opposed to their current station of imported web content. Here are 5 ways embedded posts can this be used by startups, brands and social media marketing agencies.
1. Make updates more sharable:
Updates that are more media rich are more likely to be embedded elsewhere. If you’re not creating your own content – see #5 – find photos and videos that are visually appealing about things others would want to share .
2. Try to manage as many social media outlets as possible:
Use embedded posts on them. Let’s say that Sally has a Facebook friend named Tommy. Neither know/follow Supercool (for example) on Facebook. Sally has a Tumblr and searches marketing, scrolls through the results and runs across a creative embedded Facebook post by Supercool and clicks “like” or comments on the embedded post. This like or comment now shows up on her Facebook timeline. Now, not only does Sally know about Supercool’s Facebook page, but Tommy knows, too because her like or comment activity will show on his news feed.
3. Make a more conscious use of #hashtags:
Outside sources will be able to click the hashtag on your embedded post and see a Facebook pop-up of related topics so be mindful of effective hashtags. For example: #faithdoer will not garner the same pop-ups as “#faith doer,” since the hashtag is attached solely to the word #faith. Also consider making better use of hot topics and trending hashtags for better reach. “Did you miss #comiccon? Check out our….”
4. Make sure the most attractive part of your update is visible:
Just as Facebook cuts long status updates, so it will go with embedded posts. While embedding is not completely rolled out yet, keep in mind the word limit before a “see more” expansion and realize that this is all that will be seen on an embedded post. Hook your audience early.
5. Create more original content:
Start creating more meaningful, sharable content such as videos or images, which will link users back to either FB pages and/or directly to websites. This opens up an opportunity for more images, videos, blogs, or even audio recordings to be done by digital agencies and potentially a new level of digital and social media management: basic social media management versus a very media rich digital management which will be more time consuming but garner bigger payoffs.
In the new world of embedded posts there is one thing that’s clear: being a producer of content will gain you more attention for you and your clients, since creative credit is guaranteed and the creators linked back to when you use Facebook as your posting platform. As with all new moves in social media there is going to be a trial period while we all get the hang of the new system and see what works and doesn’t work, and this will likely change from client to client, but the focus should revolve around original content. For a bigger reach you are going to want to use embedded posts… a lot. Facebook’s embedded posts are a 2 for 1 push that goes both inward and outward.