Just a quick post to congratulate Big Ass Fans® on being featured in the inaugural ranking of Inc. Magazine’s Hire Power Awards. The Big Ass Fan Company generated 74 jobs from 2008 to 2011, placing it sixth among the top 10 private manufacturers nationwide and second within the state of Kentucky. The company grew from 133 to 207 employees in just three short years. The Hire Power Awards will appear in Inc.s December/January issue, and on the brand’s website, www.inc.com. Inc. is the only media brand aimed solely at the CEOs of fast-growing private companies.
I first heard of Big Ass Fans several months ago, and fell in love with their name. Picking an edgy name for your company, combined with a matching social media marketing approach can attract lots of initial attention. Provided you can back it up with great products and services, you can generate buzz, sales and then amazing things like being able to hire more people, get recognized for your achievements and help turn the economy around will happen. Congrats Big Ass Fans!