Is Your Brand or Startup Cashing In on Social Media Addiction?

Social media is the addiction of choice for the new millennium. It’s done at home, in the workplace, in private, with strangers, and out in the open with friends. Just look around on any given day and observe how many people are mentally, physically, metaphorically and literally hooked on their mobile devices and laptops. They’re running…

Should You Hype Your Startup Pre-launch by Marketing Now?

New movies, video games, apps and even new flavors of existing products all pre-market before they’re available, so why shouldn’t your startup or crowdfunding campaign do the same? Unless there’s a specific reason for flying under the radar, get out there early and often on social media channels, create compelling content like videos and blogs…

10 Reasons You Should be Marketing with Online Video

Online video is undoubtedly one of the most effective forms of digital marketing. 89 million people in the United States are going to watch 1.2 billion online videos today (ComScore), and 52 percent of consumers say that watching product videos makes them more confident in online purchase decisions (Invodo). The numbers are clearly there, but here are 10 reasons you…

10 Reasons Why PR Professionals Should Be Using Social Video

I’ve often argued that video is a tool of social media. So as many social media responsibilities are being taken on by PR departments, we are seeing public relations teams becoming more actively involved in the creation and deployment of social video content. Viral videos, branded entertainment, web series videos and video game trailers top…

5 Ways To Sell your New Product Via Video And Social Media

Everyone who launches a new product, from Proctor & Gamble to a couple of college grads who thought it up at a bar, are convinced they’ll be rich. If they didn’t think it would sell, they wouldn’t try. Look at some of the morons on Shark Tank. They all believed and in all fairness, some…