Press releases are one of the top ways to promote your brand online. There are many tools available that make creating and sending a press release easy.
When combined with syndication, search engine optimization, and other forms of content marketing, they become a powerful tool in your digital marketing strategy.
As more marketers begin to use press releases, the whole process can become less effective as the market becomes saturated. It also becomes challenging to get your press release seen. A popular question among some marketers is, how do you format a press release?
With more than two thousand press releases distributed every day, it’s essential to stay focused and find creative ways to optimize your press release. This will help you to gain maximum exposure and get the most value from this digital marketing strategy.
From Traditional Print to Digital Marketing
Many years ago, press releases were a lot more challenging to create and distribute. Businesses had a process of writing and editing, along with getting it approved and published. They had to have valuable contacts in the publishing industry to get it mentioned and syndicated, and it was a long and drawn-out process.
Today, digital marketers have the advantage of the internet and the ability to create, distribute, and promote a quality press release before lunch.
Press releases can be created and distributed quickly, and when it links to the company website, it provides search engine optimization value along with traffic and leads.
Creating a press release online allows for easier reading, and readers can share the content online, thereby reaching a broader audience. It’s also a more cost-effective process as some distribution services are free to use.
Optimizing a Press Release
It is essential to optimize a press release by making it enjoyable to read and newsworthy. Use your keywords sparingly throughout the content to help it rank higher in the search engines. Add anchor links to add value to the press release so that people can click on it for additional information on your brand, products, and services.
Add rich content to your press releases like images, logos, or an interesting related video to keep the attention of your readers. Finally, make sure your press release is written professionally with no grammatical errors or poorly written sentences. Also, write in the third person as this is the usual and most common format.
There are many advantages to writing and distributing a press release. These include more brand recognition and reaching a wider audience and more sales for your business.
Guest post written by Robin Frye.