In the first of the Supercool Series, we introduced Facebook as a way to kick start your brand. The second in the series may be one that you expected: Twitter. Although it’s one of the most used social networking sites, Twitter comes with some features you may not have recognized as useful to your brand. Get ready because it’s time to take notes!
While Facebook lets you interact with consumers directly, Twitter goes a step further. One of the great elements of Twitter is that it brings industry influencers and consumers together. Thanks to verified accounts, you are able to know which accounts are of celebrities at the sight of a little blue stamp next to their name. This becomes useful when you are interested in aligning your brand with such an individual. This worked perfectly for Mastin Kipp of The Daily Love who received a tweet from Kim Kardashian in 2009. Kim’s simple tweet encouraging her followers to follow The Daily Love took the company from 1,000 to 10,000 followers overnight. With additional celebrity tweets about the brand and continued development, The Daily Love now has over 500k followers. While it’s no guarantee that your brand will have the same fortune as Kipp’s, the mere access and feasibility to get your brand to a celeb is reason enough to give it a shot.
Another great reason to use Twitter for your brand is all in thanks to hashtags. The often misunderstood ‘#’ symbol is a tag that simply groups messages or tweets. Hashtags are a good way to get your tweet into a group of similar tweets based on a common topic. Think of it like putting your message in an un-moderated forum visible to all who search it. For instance, if your brand is presenting at the trade show for this year’s SXSW festival, you could tweet updates and include ‘#SXSW’. Your message would then be included in an array of tweets about the event and inform all who view your tweet about your involvement at the festival. It’s a fast way to get your message out to people who are interested in that issue.
Facebook and Twitter; two sites down and more to come! Look for the next installment in the series bright and early tomorrow, your brand will thank you.