Video ads, TV ads and OTT ads are a huge part of modern marketing, but what happens when people would rather be boiled alive than watch your ads?
You can hear them screaming at their devices and cursing the seconds they have to wait until they can SKIP AD and get to what they were watching or starting to watch.
Viewers can quickly become frustrated, disinterested or flat out violent – throwing laptops and mobile devices at walls – if your ads don’t quickly capture their attention and encourage them to engage.
So – identifying a few reasons why your ads aren’t resonating with your target audience is the first step towards improving performance.
1. Your Video Ads / TV Ads / OTT Ads Are Super Annoying!
If your ads are disruptive, intrusive, irrelevant, or repetitive, viewers will quickly become annoyed and click out asap.
Nobody wants to watch an ad that interrupts their viewing experience or appears to be forced upon them – unless the topic is something that grabs their interest.
Instead, focus on creating ads that either entertain – or add value and complement the content they’re watching, rather than detracting from it.
2. Your Video Ads / TV Ads / OTT Ads Lack Relevance
If your ads aren’t relevant to the viewer, they’re unlikely to hold their attention.
Make sure your ads target the right audience and offer content that is valuable and meaningful to them.
This will increase the chances of viewers continuing to watch, engage and take the the actions you want them to take.
3. You’re Not Using The Right Channels to promote your Video Ads / TV Ads / OTT Ads
It’s not just about what you say, it’s also about where you say it.
If your ads aren’t appearing in front of your target audience, they’re unlikely to resonate with them.
So make sure you’re using the right channels to reach your audience, whether it’s through social media, search advertising, or other platforms.
4. Your Video Ads / TV Ads / OTT Ads Are Too Long
OK, so you hooked them – but for how long can they take hot before they tap out?
Attention spans are shorter than ever, and viewers are unlikely to sit through a lengthy ad to get to the shit they want to watch!
People stop paying attention to ads after just a few seconds, so you need to make sure your message is delivered quickly and effectively.
To grab attention and keep viewers engaged, consider creating shorter, more dynamic ads that capture their attention within the first few seconds.
5. Your Video Ads / TV Ads / OTT Ads Just Really Suck And Nobody Cares
Oh no!
Nobody wants to watch ads that suck and ads can suck for a million reasons – even if your products or services are awesome and relevant!
If your ads aren’t grabbing viewers by their metaphoric balls and converting, you need a new creative approach at the very least – or even an overhaul on your ad positioning and messaging.
Try going with humor / flat out comedy – visual storytelling, or emotional appeals to capture their attention and make a lasting impact.
OR – just go with the straight up – direct – no fluff approach!
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To create ads that resonate with your target audience, it’s important to understand why viewers don’t want to watch them.
From being boring, intrusive, too long to lacking relevance, there are a lots of reasons why viewers might not engage with your advertising.
By actively addressing these issues, you can improve ad creative, targeting, increase engagement, and ultimately boost your bottom line.
Remember, the key is to create ads that are interesting, relevant, and add value to your audience’s life!
Need help with video production / video advertising creative?