The terms online video advertising and online video marketing, like the broader terms advertising and marketing themselves, are often used interchangeably. According to online dictionary, advertising and marketing are defined as follows:
Advertising: The action of calling something to the attention of the public especially by paid announcements.
Marketing: An aggregate of functions involved in moving goods from producer to consumer.
Online video advertising approaches the goal of increasing sales in a more direct fashion, announcing a product, service or special offer and encouraging the consumer to act on the announcement in the form of a direct inquiry or immediate purchase. Just as advertising involves paying for access to a large, targeted audience, online video advertising allows brands and products to drill down even further and reach an even more targeted audience, sorted by interests. Often, the same verticals established for an online video ad campaign can be carried through to online video marketing.
By contrast, online video marketing tends to be concerned with elements like brand lift, product awareness and engagement. In addition to ultimately leading consumers toward purchasing decisions, the call to action associated with video marketing is typically presented in a less aggressive and longer-lasting way.
Reach and Frequency
Video advertising, being a paid medium, will offer whatever reach and frequency a brand or business’ budget can afford. Typical video ad units include pre-roll, mid-roll, post-roll, repurposed TV ads, video banner ads and more. These ads can reach millions of viewers but often lack either the creative or share functionality to further propel the message once the advertising budget has run out. Often, the creative is not developed with the intention of the video being shared (not being particularly funny, unexpected, shocking or evoking emotion), and the units are often displayed without the social media sharing buttons requisite in video marketing campaigns.
Video marketing, on the other hand, includes branded entertainment, viral videos, informational and educational videos, and relies on viewers to share video content whereby the brand message and call to action are passed voluntarily from one potential consumer to another. As with the broader definition of marketing, this approach typically involves an aggregate of functions including creative, production, advertising, social media and PR all working together to promote a campaign that will eventually take on a life of its own beyond any paid components.
The role of creative and production
Online video creative and production are important in giving viewers content that is more shareable, while creative and production in advertising serve to make the message more memorable and in many cases, more tolerable. All are important, but in video marketing, shareability is essential.
The role of advertising in online video marketing
Video advertising serves to give the campaign a jumpstart and is valuable in hitting a targeted demographic at the start. The key is including share functionality so that viewers and fans can easily pass the message along.
The role of social media in online video marketing
Video marketing strategy, social networking, bookmarking, discussion boards and contests all play an important role in perpetuating the flow and direction of the marketing campaign. This is where adjustments can be made.
The role of PR in online video marketing
Traditional PR approaches are invaluable in seeding video marketing campaigns and include blog and publication outreach and news releases.
Just as TV advertising seldom operates independently of overall marketing strategy, video advertising should, wherever possible, be integrated into the overall online video marketing strategy, which should be integrated with the overall marketing strategy.
Originally published on MediaPost, written by Supercool Creative Director David Murdico