Supercool Series: Top Social Media Sites to Kick Start Your Brand – Google+

In less than a decade, it has become clear that social networking sites have gained mass popularity. The most dominant sites, Facebook and Twitter, have usurped consumer attention and leveraged it in profitable ways for their individual business and third parties. In an attempt to achieve equal success as Facebook and Twitter, Google released its…

Social Media Likes and Follows… What’s in it for Us?

Social media “Liking” and “following” can lead to a relationship that is mutually beneficial to brands and consumers, but both sides have to ask the question “what’s in it for me? ”While companies are after data, stats and a somewhat captive audience, users want compelling content, delivered in a personal manner. Even though it takes a…

When to Hire a PR and Social Media Consultant vs an Agency?

Not every brand, business or startup has the requirements or budget to jump head first into digital marketing – PR, social media, videos, contests, creative advertising – and bringing in an agency to plan and run everything can be overkill. On the other hand, not every team is set up with the expertise or bandwidth…

Bridging the Divide: How to Market Games to Newcomers and Veterans

Marketing video games requires appealing to two entirely different types of audiences: the new players and the hardcore veterans. Video game designers are already familiar with the difficulty of designing for a wide variety of knowledge and interest. Too easy, and the game isn’t interesting to the veteran players. Too hard, and the newcomers won’t…

Match Your Brand’s Personality to Its Social Media Voice

As the great comedian Mitch Hedberg once said “There’s turkey ham, turkey bologna, turkey pastrami. Someone needs to tell the turkey, ‘man, just be yourself.’” The same could be said to brands about their social media. This form of marketing has opened up two-way, three-way and five-way  conversations with consumers. But to take full advantage,…